• Please Excuse My Boasting

    I'm pretty sure PRIDE in your children is exempt from the seven deadly sins.  It has to be, right?  Being proud of my children is my prerogative and I'll do it with gusto, thank you very much.

    Pride Point One:  
    proud as punch!
    The school calls.  "Your son will be presented with an award for Trustworthiness.  You may attend the assembly on Monday afternoon."

    They have special kid-sized parent chairs lined up along each side of the gym.  We sit right at the front - all the better for the perfect photo-op.  Each teacher has nominated two students from their class that have demonstrated trustworthiness.  When Zander's name is called there's a whoop and a hop as he races to the front to claim his certificate - thrilled to be recognized - thriving on the cheering crowd.

    That night I asked him what it meant to be trustworthy.  He said, "people can trust me."

    Good enough.

    Pride Point Two:
    hanging out in the school yard
    Liam comes home from school with the following handwritten letter from his teacher:
    "Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rusnak, As I shared with Liam's dad at the block gate on Friday, Liam's colouring and concentration with crayons is exceptional for this time of year.  He also concentrates on stories well.  Next step for growth: begin to name some lower and upper case letters of the alphabet.  A good place to start is using the letters in his own name as that is relevant to him.  (smilie face)  Sincerely, Mrs. McCombie."  (First Place Sticker) COLOURING CHAMP! (another smilie face.)

    I read this letter to Liam.  He beams.  He wants to write a letter back.  He dictates the following:  "Dear Mrs. McCombie, I wish I married you."  He thinks for a moment then says, "maybe I'll just write it myself."  He gets a new paper and very carefully writes his name saying quietly to himself, "A stick with a stick (L) a line with a dot (i) a circle with a tail (a) an upside down bum (m)."  Then he draws a rabbit that looks like a square-headed alien.  Then he opens a story book and copies every letter he sees onto his page.  Then he put it in his backpack.

    When he gave it to Mrs. McCombie she went above and beyond to tell him how proud she was of his writing.  She hung it on the classroom wall.  My heart was full.

    Pride Point Three:
    Noa says cookie now.  She was holding a cracker.  Close enough.  "Coo-key!  Coo-key!  Coo-key!"  Brilliant!

    I am blessed.
  • 1 comment:

    1. Your lil' cuties are delectable. And I''m pretty sure mother-pride isn't the same as self-pride. Go on!



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