235 tyke boys. You should have seen them; a mass of jersey-donning third and fourth graders in a blue, green and yellow rainbow of chaos, hopping and stretching and getting impatient along the painted white line, waiting for the gun shot that finally sent them off in an undulating wave of bobbing heads and brightly coloured shoe-laces.
This was an easier track than the other races. All basically flat. Mostly dry. Zander's goal was to beat at least 30 kids. He had no delusions of gold. His expectations are realistic and attainable and it makes me proud.
He gave a good push at the end. Passed a few more on his way to the finish. He came in at #189. Out of 235. He surpassed his goal and was very pleased. His coaches congratulated him, Mr.Klein checking his clip board and saying, "You're better every time, Zander. Great job!" and Mrs. Napper-Sharpe telling him that he's a veteran now - two full seasons under his belt. He beamed beneath their praise and then drank his complimentary chocolate milk in two big gulps .
We spent some time checking out the tanks on display, smiling at soldiers and attempting some of the obstacle course. And we got away without offending Her Majesty or any of her hired guns!
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