Zander adores his sister. He is quick to hug her and never forgets to kiss her goodbye when he leaves for school in the morning. While Liam says, "Mommy, I don't think we should have had a baby," Zander keeps asking us to have another one. Keep on dreaming, Zander!He recently brought home a paper he wrote, slightly embarrassed over his sentiment, proud of the A+ sticker on the bottom. This is what it said (his spelling - not mine):

I love my sisster very much and she's the best. This is why she's the best. She always gives me hugs and kisses because she loves me. She also likes to play ball with her bunny ball. Another reasin is when ever she sees me she sais my name in a cute vocie. And sometimes when I come home from school she runs as fast as her little legs kan kary her to the door. I love my sisster very much and my sisster loves me very much.
So, I'm a sap but this got me swallowing against a sob and promising to frame it and hang it in Noa's room so that she'll always know her big brother loves her.
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