• Counting My Writing Blessings

    Counting my writing blessings #write31days
    • Family and friends who encourage my dreams.
    • Supportive and committed blog followers.
    • A room of my own in which to spill my heart.
    • Scrivener. {If you're a writer and you haven't discovered this program yet: get it! It's worth every single penny!!!}
    • The abundant writing community on Twitter and Instagram - you inspire me daily!
    • Members of my Writer's Jam who validate my pursuits and are ready and willing to journey with me.
    • John Lennon for being brave.
    • Anne Rice for being beautiful.
    • Ted Dekker for hugging me like you meant it.
    • My husband who wants to see me fly.
    • My children who never stop asking questions.
    • My dreams which will never let me quit.

    To all my Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving! May you always take the time to remember why you're thankful!

    http://selfbindingretrospect.alannarusnak.com/2015/09/challenge-accepted-write-31-days.html {click the image above to see all the #write31days posts}

    1. You have to love a man that wants to see you fly.

      Have to admit. I'm a little jealous of your Canadian Thanksgiving. It must be so nice to have a holiday now. We cram ours in at the end of November. Too close to Christmas. Plus, I could really enjoy some great food about now.

      Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

      I'm thankful you shared your cool air - North Winds last night all they way down to Texas!

      I'm also glad you have a beautiful writer in your midst. One willing to share her heart with the rest of us!

      1. Awww...

        Yup - I'm thankful for an October Thanksgiving and yes, the food was divine ;)

        Glad you got some of our cool air! Want some rain too? It's pretty ugly, wet and grey here today.

      2. Would love some rain! We had a wet miserable spring. Record rainfall. Mass flooding everywhere. Then, in true Texas fashion, we went straight into a drought. October is our second wettest month of the year, and not a drop. Feast or famine down here.

      3. Would love some rain! We had a wet miserable spring. Record rainfall. Mass flooding everywhere. Then, in true Texas fashion, we went straight into a drought. October is our second wettest month of the year, and not a drop. Feast or famine down here.

    2. It's good to be thankful. It's good we have a holiday that slows us down long enough to remember to be thankful.



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