• Pooping Under Lincoln {tales from the road}

    He's got coolness down to an art but, poor thing, sometimes even cool has to take a back seat to bodily functions...

    Pooping under Lincoln {tales from the road} SelfBinding Retrospect by Alanna Rusnak

    When you look at a tourist map of The National Mall in Washington DC it doesn't seem terribly overwhelming; in fact, it tempts you to say 'of course we can walk that and see all the sites in one day.'  Reality is that it's terribly far - especially if you're sharing that walk with little legs - and it's rather lacking in facilities {if you know what I mean...}

    Liam was having some...let's call them 'stomach issues'...as we traversed the vast scenes of DC.  Within the museums there was little problem because rest rooms were readily available.  Beyond those beautiful, decorative doors though - not so much.

    After stopping for a snack at the base of the incredible Washington Monument, we began the long hike to see Abraham Lincoln.  And it's far.

    But the day was beautiful.  The sun was shining between the trees, joggers passed us in T-shirts, squirrels were scurrying and birds were tweeting and there was not a hint of snow anywhere.

    We were halfway there when Liam declared his need.

    Of course, there was nothing around.

    "Can you hold it?" I asked.

    "Yes," he said.  "Maybe."

    Pooping under Lincoln {tales from the road} SelfBinding Retrospect by Alanna Rusnak

    Of all the sites we saw in the city that day, Lincoln was the most impressive.  It's such an iconic, powerful place - and I'm Canadian - I can't even imagine what it's like to stand there as a proud American.

    Approaching it was rather surreal.  It's massive and gorgeous and intricate and annoyingly populated with tourists but so incredible to stand in such a place.  We stopped before reaching the stairs to pose for a picture.

    But poor Liam couldn't wait.  He threw down his water bottle and took off  - first in a purposeful march and then at a full out run.

    Pooping under Lincoln {tales from the road} SelfBinding Retrospect by Alanna Rusnak

     It took us a few moments to understand what was happening and then, because we're cruel, we couldn't help but burst out laughing.

    Pooping under Lincoln {tales from the road} SelfBinding Retrospect by Alanna Rusnak

    Like a bee to a flower he instinctively raced to a dark door beneath the monument, somehow knowing he could find relief under Lincoln.

    And relief he did find.  And just in time.  Thank goodness!

    He reemerged, grinning sheepishly, pooped out from his frantic run {see what I did there?} and together we climbed the stone steps to meet the regal and impressive Mr. Lincoln.

    Pooping under Lincoln {tales from the road} SelfBinding Retrospect by Alanna Rusnak

    More tales from the road will be coming soon...



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