When Value Village emailed me last week to say that they were having a 50% off book sale and wouldn't I please come I was all, hitch up the horse, babe - we're going to the city! {Just between you and me...I don't have horses BUT my neighbour does and sometimes I like to watch them from the window with a cup of tea in my hand and pretend I'm in a Jane Austen novel.}
I love books. Books. Book. Books.
If heaven doesn't have books I may put myself up for a transfer.
Obviously I made the time for a little {long} shelf hunt during the sale but I ended up only purchasing 5 {2 of which I'm sharing here}. I wanted some beautifully large decorative hardcovers in my new writing room {stay tuned for that!} but The Complete History of Russia? An over-sized large print Far Side comic book? Yuck! No thanks! Funny how sale day comes and the shelves seem void of pretty things.
But first...
As promised, I've chosen my favorite from all the lovely participants who linked up their great finds to last months post.
And by 'all the lovely participants' I mean one.
And by one I mean my baby sister.
She found this lovely treasure in a trash heap by an e-waste dump site and texted me to see if I thought it was worth a rescue. Um...yes! Amazing? I think so. It's so weathered and beaten and perfect for storing all her piano books!
If she hadn't grabbed it, I would have.
I wish the dear girl had a blog I could direct you to but alas...she seems to think she's too busy handling her daughters and her wacky husband and buying and selling a gazillion dollars of stock for crazy people who have a gazillion dollars to invest to manage a blog on top of it all.
The internet world is just a little less colourful because of it.
Now with that out of the way...
1. 'Wishes Really Do Come True' Curtain Panels {Value Village, $3.99/panel}
{You're getting a sneak peak at my writing room with this one.} I knew I wanted curtains for this room and I really love the black and white IKEA drapes that hang in my dining room - you've seen them over and over on this blog in the background of photographs {like here}. I love their nature-inspired print that's pretty without being feminine, and how light the fabric is while still hanging nicely.
It was with those curtains in mind that I began digging through the racks at Value Village. AND I FOUND THE EXACT SAME CURTAINS. Not similar. Not something along the same line. THE EXACT SAME! What's more - these ones had been hemmed by their previous owner TO THE EXACT PROPER LENGTH I needed.
Talk about providence.
I can't even tell you how much I love them in my new space!
2. 'A Blast From The Past' & 'A Laugh Your Pants Off' Book Party {Value Village, $2.49 & $1.99 respectively}
I have fond memories of my parents reading to me all about Anne with an 'E' and how I wanted to be her and say such wonderful things like 'I'm so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers'. This was the first book that taught me that a book could make you cry {though I didn't let it because my sisters would have shamed me}.
And Mindy Kaling's trip through hilarity? I borrowed this from the library a year ago and loved it so much that I posted this tiny review on GoodReads:

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is a witty little gem that really brightened my day! At one point, sitting in the living room surrounded by my family, I actually snorted in an attempt to curb my laughter. It's really a non-stop goofy glimpse inside the brain of a brilliant comedian. It's a fast read and definitely worth the time.
Really I just got it so I could lend it to my sisters. After I read it again.
3. 'Not A Wallflower' Red Skinny Jeans {Value Village, $9.99}
First of all - do you even realize how hard it is to take a picture by yourself of pants that are on your body? It's ridiculous! Secondly - I am not a coloured jeans type of girl but I saw these and I tried them on and I liked how they fit. Plus it's October and red seems like a good fall colour... I've worn them a couple time and everyone else seems to realize I'm not a red-pants-girl too because they've gotten a lot of comments. Not bad comments. More like: You? Red pants? Good for you! Like I deserve an atta girl for wearing clothes.

I celebrated them back in June with this photo on Instagram:
4. 'If You Call Me A Hippie I Might Kiss Your Face' Necklace {Value Village, $2.99}
Every fall Value Villages across the country dedicate a huge section of the store to Halloween. They sell many new costumes but a lot of the stores also pull items from other places to make themed sections: clown, cowboy, hippie...and every fall I make sure I visit the hippie section because I can usually find an adorable top or special accessory.
Friends, the Halloween section is not just for Halloween!
I found this gorgeous pendant right between a set of love beads and a bandana collection. It's big and bold and pretty and it jingles when I walk - I love it's colours and it's odd shape. I think it's perfect!
As cooler weather settles in {UGH!} a cardigan is a great way to add an extra layer against the chill. And I know last month featured a cardigan as well {also stripped} but I can't help myself - I love me a cardigan!
Random Fact: Did you know that the cardigan was named after James Brundenell - the 7th Earl of Cardigan???
You're welcome!
6. 'Not Some Old Ladies Afghan' Blanket {Value Village, $4.99}
This was another piece I wanted for my writing room because it's a room without heat. When the door's open it will receive heat from the rest of the house but if it's closed it can get pretty chilly.
Cue a lovely, warm blanket.
This one is heavy and handmade and does not smell like a grandmother's attic. And I love the colour combination of purples and greys - it just screams cozy!
Now it's your turn. What great finds have you made recently? Share them in the comments, link up your post using the inlinkz tool below, or tweet it with the hashtag #ThriftBlitz {be sure to add @alannarusnak to your tweet to make sure I see it, or just use the button below}.
Tweet to @alannarusnak
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