• Oh Canada: Your Snow Is Sour But Your Maple Is Sweet

    The weather was spring-jacket-beautiful and we rode that jostling wagon across the acreage to the sugar bush in the back of the farm, all five of us and our rubber boots and tightened adventure belts.

    Holstein Maplefest, rubber boats

    We were only ten minutes from home and this festival has gone on year after year but this was our first time and we were surprised at it's scale - for a homegrown, handmade, backwoods kind of thing.

    Holstein Maplefest
    Holstein Maplefest, sawing

    It's all mud and snow and more mud and we wandered a long trail deeper into the trees until we found the barn where they'd been cooking pancakes for hours.  They loaded our plates. Pancakes. Sausage. Baked Beans. Enough syrup to make it a soupy, delicious mess.  This is how we began - with stomachs filling as a lady in full clown makeup crooned old country songs from a stage in the corner.

    It was all very adorable and makeshift and we meandered around, learning how sausage is made and how sap is boiled and miles and miles of tubing connecting all those trees for all that sap.

    It was a lovely afternoon of good old fashioned fun!

    Holstein Maplefest, maple taffy station

    Holstein Maplefest, zipline, cable ride

    Holstein Maplefest, maple taffy, wagon ride, kettlecorn

    Oh Canada, your snow is sour but your maple is so so sweet!

    REMINDER: May is Joy Month here at SelfBinding Retrospect. I am partnering with DaySpring Cards Inc for a lovely little giveaway and hosting a Joy Link party opening on May 1. If you've got a post to share about something that brings you joy, whether it's old or new, be sure to come back on the first and link it up. I'll feature some of my favorites throughout. It's all about spreading a little happiness after this very long, soul-sucking winter.

    SelfBinding Retrospect giveaway

    P.S. You can jump start your chances on the necklace by liking my facebook page - it will award you 2 free entries into the draw the first time you enter - just click the button below. {You'll have to earn any other entries by sharing little Joy Snippets so start collecting them and you'll be able to enter every day in May!}


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