You have been steeped in sweetness. Made for my heart. Grown beneath it and in it and I wish you the world: enough happiness to fill an ocean, enough adventure to thrill you, enough sense to ground you. Never loose your wonder. Chase butterflies. Love wild daisies as much as trained and tended roses. Dance. Go barefoot. Believe in fairies. Believe in magic. Eat the icing first. Be yourself. Be true. Wear sunscreen. Tell the truth. Lick the bowl. Drink decaf. Ask questions. Be the very best version of who you are. Never change because who you are is perfect I am beyond blessed to call you my own.
Happy Birthday, baby girl. I love you to the moon and back.
A cupcake & tea party for her third birthday. |
I LOVE THIS!! Your baby girl is going to treasure this forever. Daughters are soooo much fun.