Where your dream of publication is fully attainable

Alanna Rusnak

With over fifteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, she is your advocate, mentor, friend, and cheerleader and she can’t wait to help you bring your book into the light.

  • RR3 Durham, ON N0G 1R0
  • phone number only released to clients

Professional Skills

Alanna is a skilled communicator, with a keen ability to interpret a client's vision. She is accomplished in the Adobe Creative Suite and strives for perfection in every project she takes on. Her comfort with current publishing technology and requirements makes her a great partner as you navigate the path to publication.

Graphic Design 95%
Commitment 99%
Concept Development 90%
Communication 93%


Maybe you're just looking for someone to talk things over with. Maybe you need some advice or guidance to tackle this whole publishing thing yourself. Maybe you're considering putting your words out into the world, but aren't quite sure how to make that happen. Alanna would love to sit down with you over a cup of coffee and help you navigate your choices. LEARN MORE


"Alanna is a great beta reader/editor. She has an excellent command of the English language, knows where to add subtle shades to coax out the right moods in your writing, and offers sincere compliments of strong elements. At first, I didn't want to, but the more I chewed on it the more I realized she was right. She'd offer great assistance for any stage of your writing journey. ROLLAN WENGERT — AUTHOR OF 'ZAIDE: MOZART'S LOST OPERA"LEARN MORE

Copy Editing

Copy editing ensures that text is correct in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. It also ensures that the idea the writer wishes to portray is clear and easy to understand, that it is free of error, omission, inconsistency, and repetition. Copy editing should only occur after the author has been through multiple stages of beta reading and rewrites. LEARN MORE

Interior Layout Design

There's much to consider when thinking about what you want the interior of your book to look like: Chapter titles, drop-caps, font size and spacing, etc. We'll work with you to create the best possible layout, based on your theme, aesthetic, and personal tastes. LEARN MORE

Cover Design

Do you believe the old advice you can't judge a book by its cover? Think again! Your content could be beautifully written, professionally edited, and expertly laid out but without an attractive cover, readers may overlook your book...and what a shame that would be! Using high quality photography and eye-catching fonts, we can deliver the kind of cover that encourages book sales! LEARN MORE

Full Package

From editing to design to final product, we can take your dream and turn it into something you can hold in your hands! By combining our services into a start-to-finish package, you can save 15% and come away with something you can be proud of. LEARN MORE

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  • Such Tales I Have To Tell You

    Such Tales I Have To Tell You

    Just a second. Let me catch my breath...

    For a moment there I considered letting that stand as my post. That one line. Because WOW. Life.

    I am continually amazed by the way it creeps in and stirs my pot. Remember the three witches in Macbeth? Double double, toil and trouble. Yeah...they've been busy.

    I have SO MUCH to be thankful for; SO MANY reasons to be happy; ONE MILLION excuses to sing. But I also have a loooooong list of things that have been hard, ways I have been stretched, things I was unprepared for, things I've done wrong—at work, as a parent, in publishing.

    But maybe the wrong doesn't matter so much if what you end up with is the right.

    This whole writing journey has been (and continues to be) a learning process. I am, by no stretch of the imagination, an expert. I'm just a bumbling fool who's too stubborn to give up.

    And I believe one of my greatest strengths is that I'm not too scared to ask for help.

    Like when I blabbed in a blog post about how I wished someone would gift me a spot by the lake where I could quietly work on my KAJILLION projects.

    Guess where I am right now?

    At this very moment I'm sitting on an old plaid couch beside a roaring fire, sipping my third cup of tea, while beyond the window to my left, the waters of Lake Huron lap against the shore. It's like someone wrapped up perfection and then dropped me in the middle of it. I am deliriously happy and all those things—those roadblocks that jettied up in my path over the last few weeks—they're inconsequential.

    Because here is just here. And that's a gift for which I don't even know how to articulate my gratitude. I will share more later in a very important PSA: The Right Way to do a Writer's Retreat (stay tuned!). 

    For now I shall deliver the point-form update on ALL THE THINGS.

    1. My books were held hostage in the US so I missed my soft launch. I blame Donald Trump. He didn't even say sorry.

    2. When they finally arrived, opening that box was like a thousand angels singing; but also like that moment in the movie when you're not yet sure if it'll be a happy ending.

    3. I whine-tweeted about how boring it is to fill out paperwork for the Library and Archives Canada (though, how cool is it that I'm doing that?!?!) and they replied to me, saying how fun it should be— Ha! (Also, my books are now part of Canada's official BIG TIME Library—that's amazing!)

    4. There was a Canada Post "incident" that had me returning home with all my book mailing, repackaging, and going back to the Post Office to try again.

    5. The women who work at the Durham Post Office are amazing and kind and super helpful. The "incident" was that I am an idiot.

    6. The fourth issue of Blank Spaces is coming out in June. If you want a copy, order before the pre-order sale ends on Monday night.

    7. My launch party is booked for June 23. Details will be coming to you soon BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL INVITED! 

    8. The Church in the Wildwood now has its own website. Because, you know, I need more things to manage. Truth is, I think it will actually make things a little simpler for me, keeping all Wildwood things together instead of trying to fit them in here—things are feeling a little crowded at 

    9. If you haven't yet bought a copy of my book, would you consider it? I'd love to put one in your hands. 

    10. And now it's eleven p.m. and I need to go add some updates to the Wildwood site so you'll have some interesting things to see and read when you click this link

    I'll leave you with this: a photo of the sky, taken tonight from the shores of Lake Huron, just steps from the back door of this cozy little cottage I'm staying in.  

    You're welcome.

    Answer a few questions and we'll get back to you as soon as we can with a quote for your desired services. [COMING SOON]



    Durham, ON, CANADA