Make It Monday: Painted Console {And My First Ever Linkup Party!}

Sometime in 1919, Mr. J. Harding placed the final screw in a new
Electrohome Power Operated Phonograph Machine, never thinking that one day a mom of the twenty-first century would
desecrate his art - this piece of Canadian history - with something so offensive as paint.

The record player came to me through a friend of a friend and was delivered on the very same day I came home from
Keady Market with a new
Billy Idol
record. (And if you don't like Billy Idol, we probably can't be friends anymore!)
At the end of
my last post I had a little teaser about this
'Joy Project' and one of the comments was: "Do you ever run out of things to paint?"
Heavens no!
There is something magical about watching a piece breath new life - about bringing freshness - about putting a bit of myself into something that makes me fall in love with it all over again.To be perfectly honest, there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS CONSOLE! The finish didn't bother me - I love vintage things. What did bother me is that the one place in the house it fits really well is right beside the piano and THEY WERE EXACTLY THE SAME COLOUR!
Truth is, I would LOVE to paint the piano but it was my mother's and she would NEVER paint it. Next best thing? Paint the console!
It was almost unfortunate that it was in such good shape because a little piece of me felt guilty as I crept up with the sanding block - but then I squashed that fear and rolled up my sleeves - I mean, it wasn't
that much fear!
Do you have a piece of tired old furniture begging for a make-over? Here's how I resurrected mine:
1. Sand it. I used my trusty sanding block (that seems to last forever) to muss up that shiny finish. I was quick - not careful - and finished just as my daughter walked into the room and asked, "What Are You Doing, Mommy?" like I was breaking some cardinal house rule. "You want a job?" I asked her.
2. Wipe it down. With the help of a pretty assistant, we wiped up the sanding dust with a damp cloth and then ran over the surface again with a dry rag.
3. Prime & Paint. I have a five gallon pail of self-priming Behr Premium Plus Ultra Pure White just for such important moments. I call my first coat a primer and my second coat the real deal.

I had some concerns about the speakers and toyed with the idea of leaving them natural. I googled instructions but found that other people were either not interested in keeping their consoles as functioning music player, or they had speakers with removable fabric which they simply had to change in order to freshen them up. Mine are of a thick weave - much like a woven basket - not removable unless I disassembled the entire piece. Seeing how ugly and dirty the natural finish looked against the white, I decided to paint directly on them - dry brushing - being careful not to go too thick over the actual speaker spaces so as not to seal the 'sound space'. I regretted it as soon as I started. It looked messy and rough and just plain terrible. "I don't fink you should do dat!" Noa said. BUT, I didn't give up. By the end of the second coat I had dispelled my regret and celebrated my total awesomeness! (Most humbly, of course.)
I was pleased with the white finish. It was fresh. It was clean.
It was boring.
So I pulled out the leftover paint from the feature wall in Liam's room -
Mosaic Blue, the prettiest blue in the universe - and laid that out on the top, as well as the underside of the lid that accesses the record player.
So much better!
4. Love it. Because how could you not? It's just so darn pretty!!!
I found the hard thing was accessorizing because I needed to maintain access to the record player. (Billy Idol and I have some serious jamming to do!) The bare middle is WEIRD but what are you going to do? I still love it!

Not every project is without collateral damage.
I may or may not have painted the cat...
What about you? What is your ideal Joy Project? I'd love to see it. Add your project using the link below and let's share the inspiration!All I ask is that you place my linkup button on your post and be sure to comment on a couple of the links - it's all about sharing the love. I can't wait to see what you share!
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